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Frequently Asked Questions
Sexual Assault
Date Rape
What is Rape? Did someone rape me?
How can I figure out if what happened was rape?
What is consent?
I didn't resist physically - does that mean it wasn't rape?
What do I do if someone attacks me?
Someone raped me...What do I do?
Getting the CONTROL back
What is Rape Trauma Syndrome?
I used to date the person who assaulted me - Does that mean it isn't rape?
I was on a date - Could it have been rape?
What are date rape drugs?
I was asleep or unconscious when it happened - does that mean it wasn't rape?
I was drunk or they were drunk - does that mean it wasn't rape?
I thought "No" but didn't say it - is it still rape?
Is there a window of time to make a report?
Am I required to make a report to the police?
Do the police have to be involved if I go to the hospital?
If the assault happened within the last 120 hours, what will they do at the hospital?
What should I do before going to the hospital?
What can I do to help a survivor?
If I need additional resources to get my life in order, who do I call?
What are the normal reactions for a survivor of sexual assault?
What can counselling do for me?
What is sexual harassment?
Sexual abuse or assault of children
What do I do if I was molested as a child?
How can I help if someone was molested as a child?
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